About Us

We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.

Contact Info

  • Rock St 12, Newyork City, USA
  • (526)-236-895-4732
  • e.hanna@siegma.com
  • Week Days: 09.00 to 18.00 Sunday: Closed

Immersive Experiences .

Websites .

we mold your website to be an ultimate consumer experience.

The days of the consumer being fed the content are over. Today, it’s all about engaging your brand’s community, getting the user’s attention right away and making the audience involved in your site.

Mobile and System Apps .

Mobile and system Apps are the Portal to the consumer lives that effects their purchasing habits

Interactive Experiences .

We create a personal and unique experience that last beyond a few second in a classic advertising.

It’s clear, customer drives today’s marketing landscape, making the consumer an active participant in media messages provides an immersive branded entertainment experience and a certain emotional connection with the brand.

Augmented Reality .

There is a story behind everything, AR add a new dimension to traditional storytelling. We integrate technology into the customer journey framework and implement an effective tool for fostering user engagement, brand exposure and market awareness.

Virtual Reality .

Be part of the content, imbed inside the story and create a memorable, far-reaching experience.

We believe, It’s not just the product/brand itself but the experience that comes along with it.

Mixed Reality .

Forward thinking marketers have begun moving from storytelling to story-doing.

We use the world around us as an entirely new canvas to learn, communicate and intermix.

With MR we invite your customer to the brand world.

Graphics, Animations Video Production .

We create any kind of graphics, animation and video production. We start from what you want to communicate and achieve, to creating the concept, storyboards and production

Hollograms 3D projection .

Breathe life into your brand, and amaze your audience with a more intimate interactive experience.

Transparent screens .

Be unique, and transform any space to an engaging communication platform.

We are the exclusive resellers for Nexnovo technologies in the ME.